Start Here - Shalom // Welcome to the rest + full project!
Hooray! You have just accomplished the hardest part of your wellness journey. You are here and are taking the first brave steps on your path of living well. In this module, we’ll share some key concepts that will serve as the foundation for your experience inside the rest+full project.
If you have been on your wellness journey for a while, you might be thinking this first step is not a big deal and you are ready to skip through the foundation. But let me urge you to slow down and not try to hurry or hustle your way through our program. This is especially true for those of you just starting out.
Because here at the rest + full project, you will find more than fad diets and fitness routines, or quick fixes for your finances. Our philosophy is based on a tried-and-true practice that seems counterintuitive, counterproductive, and definitely not something you will get over the counter at your local convenience store. But the truth is, rest, only rest, is what matters most in your wellness journey. Rest restores your body and moves your soul to a place of wellness so you can live a life of purpose.
We know that rest restores the soul because rest is a practice God put in place for His people at the beginning of creation to give us peace, or Shalom. Our goal is to help busy women like you remove distractions and fight fatigue by providing a space for you to rest and refocus so you can lead your life and your people well. Instead of relying on your own thoughts, feelings, or performance, you can turn to God for rest, which will allow you to receive order and purpose for your days, weeks, and years.
Every season, you will receive a seasonal guidebook that offers direction, advice, and information for women traveling through different seasons of life. Our guidebooks will be offered four times of the year and each month you will explore ways to practice rest for the season you are in. We encourage you to use our weekly encouragement as you work through the guidebook to help you stay focused on your wellness journey.
Most importantly, allow the foundational practice of rest to restore your body and soul. We will guide you on the steps to implementing rest in your busy schedule, which will help you make massive progress on your wellness journey.
Here is a brief overview of our path to spiritual freedom:
1. The Foundations of Spiritual Order
Spiritual order “allows you to live with your spirit united with God, and your soul and body submitted to your spirit. In other words, your spirit, which is now one with God, calls the shots, and the soul and body follow.”
- Yes! I am working on the foundations of spiritual order
2. Fight Fatigue with Rest
If you have ever struggled with busyness, you are not alone. Busyness leads to burnout which then spirals us into depression, anxiety, and unhealthy habits. By putting the practice of Sabbath Rest into your weekly schedule, you will be able to fight fatigue.
- Yes! I am working on practicing Sabbath rest weekly so I can fight fatigue
3. Find Your Focus
As women, we have so much to juggle and prioritize that it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all there is to do. Rest allows a space for you to slow down and breathe so you can find your focus for the season you are in. In our monthly lessons, you will learn more about eliminating the non-essentials and setting boundaries to protect your time.
- Yes! I am trying to find my focus for the current season I am living in
4. FAST40
Because we view seasons as a vital way to deepen our relationship with God, we also want to approach each season as an opportunity to participate in a fast so that we can find balance in our lives. Busyness is the number one way that the devil attempts to draw us away from God and our goals for a life well-lived. When we approach fasting while practicing Spiritual Rest, we will make progress that results in positive change in one of the eight main wellness influencers.
- Yes! I am ready to participate in a fast
5. Fuel Spiritual Freedom
God designed our bodies and souls to be led by the Holy Spirit. Spiritual order is practiced when we learn to quiet our internal struggles and external demands so we can be delivered from bondage and listen to the direction the Spirit is guiding us in for purposeful living.
- Yes! I am ready to get quiet and go in the direction the Holy Spirit is guiding me
Let's begin with our core content! Inside our core content module, you will find seven lessons to help you understand our mission and philosophy at the rest +full project. Complete these seven lessons first and then move on to the weekly encouragement that corresponds with your seasonal guide. We are cheering for you!
Megan + Christen