Welcome // What is a Freedom Path and Why Do I Need It?
Welcome friends to the rest + full project Seasonal Subscription Learning Community. We are so glad you are here!
We know that everyone is new, so let’s start off with what to expect inside this community each season.
- Seasonally: You will receive a printed Seasonal Guidebook at your door at the beginning of each season (four times a year). This guide will offer direction, advice, and information that pertains to each season. We wanted you to have a physical book so you could have space to journal, reflect, and find your focus for the season you are in.
- Weekly: Each week, we are going to spend time together in our Sunday Sabbath small group coaching. As we begin our Sunday Sabbath coaching sessions, we will start by exploring our Freedom Path and why we need it on our wellness journey. This information is found in your Core Content, which we encourage you to read first, and then we will unpack it more as we walk through this season together. We also encourage conversation throughout the week inside our private Facebook group, which you have access to here.
- Monthly - You will soon learn that Megan and I love routines and schedules. It makes our busy lives happy. But we also know that plans need to be held loosely and things will change as our community establishes itself. So, here’s an outline of what to expect each month during our Sunday Sabbath small group coaching:
- Time for Prayer & Gratitude
- Seasonal Planning Session
- 5 devotionals to help you fight fatigue with rest
- 1 Interview each month with a wellness expert on spiritual order topics like meditation, nutrition, fitness, prayer + more!
- 1 Fasting Challenge each season
- Monthly Resources: Monthly message, downloads, scripture meditation, curated playlist, and more!
- Seasonal recipes + ideas for celebrating
Our goal is to help busy women like you remove distractions and fight fatigue by providing a space for you to rest and refocus so you can lead your life and your people well. We know that rest restores the soul because rest is a practice God put in place for His people at the beginning of creation to give us peace, wholeness, blessing, and connection, or Shalom. Instead of relying on your own thoughts, feelings, or performance, you can turn to God for rest, which will allow you to receive order and purpose for your days, weeks, and years.
So, let’s get started!
This week, we are going to explore our Path to Spiritual Freedom, which helps you move through different stages by meeting milestones and taking action steps that ultimately lead you to feel more peace, wholeness, connection, and blessing each season.
There are several different stages that you will go through on your wellness journey as you move to being restored by rest. It’s important to know which stage you are at.
Because knowing which stage you are at will help you to determine your next steps. Here’s a brief overview of each stage in our Freedom Path (to learn more details about each stage, make sure you walk through our Core Content).

Stage 0 - Shalom, An Introduction Into Peace, Wellness, and Rest
- Get clear on the definition of rest
- Understand how rest restores
- Learn how creating space for rest and renewal helps you draw peace, wholeness, blessing, and connection to the Lord and other Christ-followers.
Action Step:
- Pick a Bible verse for the season that will help you connect with God
Stage 1 - The Foundations of Spiritual Order
- Move from a works-based faith to a worship-based faith
- Get quiet so your body and soul can be led by the Holy Spirit
Action Step:
- Choose one way to begin practicing stillness this season
Stage 2 - Fight Fatigue with Rest
- Stop living with burnout from your busy schedule and choose to take control of unhealthy habits
- Undue decision fatigue with methods to create more order within your weekly schedule
- Practice Sabbath Rest; it is one of the most important decisions you will make that will determine the rest of your days, weeks, and years
Action Step:
- Carve out space to intentionally spend time with God by picking a Sabbath day of rest for your week. Put this day on your calendar and challenge yourself to stick to this day each week of the month.
Stage 3 - Find Your Focus
- Determine your WIN (What’s Important Now) out of the eight areas that influence your wellness journey
- Find your focus for the season you are in
- Eliminate non-essentials and set boundaries to protect your time
Action Step:
- Focus on your WIN by sticking to the boundaries you’ve intentionally set in your schedule this season
Stage 4 - Fast40
- Practice fasting the areas that are distracting you from your focus
- Create consistency with what you choose to consume or not to consume
- Learn how fasting is an ancient tool for rest and restoration so you can live within spiritual order
Action Step:
- Choose one stronghold to fast this season.
Stage 5 - Fuel Spiritual Freedom
- Silence internal struggles and external demands
- Gain confidence in your identity being in Christ
- Rest and create margin for creativity, connection, and celebrating our purpose
Action Step:
- Reflect on where you were at the beginning of the season. What has changed since then? Where are you now? Give thanks to God for the memories you’ve created this season and ask Him for continued growth as you begin moving into the upcoming season.
Henri Nouwen, who was a Dutch Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian wrote 39 books on the topic of spiritual life. In his book Spiritual Formation he shares, “Spiritual formation is not about steps or stages on the way to perfection. It’s about the movements from the mind to the heart through prayer in its many forms that reunite us with God, each other, and our truest selves.”
Our Path to Spiritual Freedom is designed to help you create movement from the mind to the heart so you experience Shalom. We are all on a wellness journey as we connect our bodies and human spirit (mind, heart, will, emotions) to the Holy Spirit. We are all in different seasons but share the desire to draw near to God and others. Your spiritual formation matters to us and is part of your journey in becoming who God has created you to be. No matter where you are today on your wellness journey, you are welcome here, friend.
So, here's your homework for this week: Complete the Core Content lessons that share more details about each step in our Path to Spiritual Freedom. If you have any questions about the Path to Spiritual Freedom, leave us a comment here or inside our Facebook group. Remember, you can call Megan (334-791-8724) or myself (334-790-0667) anytime! We are here for you!
Cheering for you,