Lesson 6: Fuel Spiritual Freedom
God designed our bodies and souls to be led by the Holy Spirit. Spiritual order is practiced when we learn to quiet our internal struggles and external demands so we can be delivered from bondage and listen to the direction the Spirit is guiding us in for purposeful living.
Shifting our mindset from the hustle and hurry cycle (anxiety) to the rest + full cycle (peace) has dramatic benefits to our personal wellness. We give our requests to God (lose weight, get out of debt, etc.), rest in Him, then move forward. Isn’t this the truth spoken by Paul when he tells us “Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you” (Ephesians 3:20 TPT emphasis mine). Living within the context of what God is able to accomplish through us is about receiving His ability to do great and mighty things. We are no longer bound to our own capabilities, instead we have the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something incredible with our day.
As we begin to order our days not by our own to-do lists but through obedience to God, we move away from a works-based faith and into a worship-based faith. We become aware that we were created for eternity, not just the time that we have on this earth, which takes away a lot of pressure to perform and achieve. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by our calendars, we are given our daily portion so that we focus on today, not tomorrow. Connecting with God isn’t a Christian checklist to complete for certification; it is a way for us to notice how high, wide, and deep God’s love is for us. He provides direction for our every need, longing, struggle, and dream.
Action Task:
Are you ready to move out of the hustle and hurry cycle (anxiety from work that fuels your performance) and into the rest + full cycle (peace from Sabbath rest that fuels your work)?