Holy Week // Lent Series

Holy Week is a week of extreme emotions - excitement, sadness, anger, betrayal, and then ultimately joy as we've never known. This Holy Week, commit to finding the full and empty of the week. Listen to today's podcast to learn more! 

Here's a quick guide to prepare your family to enjoy a meaningful Holy Week:

Palm Sunday: Have a mini "parade" around your neighborhood waving palm branches

Holy Monday: Have a quiet time + prep your heart and home for the week ahead

Holy Tuesday: Give something today (almsgiving) + finish your shopping list

Spy Wednesday: Put some coins in your Easter eggs to talk about the 30 pieces of silver Judas was given for betraying Jesus

Maundy Thursday: Host a seder meal + wash your family members' feet

Good Friday: Fast from 12-3 (Jesus' time on the cross), eat Hot Cross Buns after fasting

Silent Saturday: Prepare for Easter Sunday + have a moment of silence

Easter Sunday: Celebrate! Break your fast from Lent  + rejoice in the Risen Savior!!!


Thank you for joining us in our Lent Podcast Series. If you'd like to go deeper in studying with us, join us inside our app! We have a Summer Guided Devotional coming up called "100 Days of Play" + exciting new studies this fall!

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